
Paid episode

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Daily Plan 2/24/23

PCE + FED Speakers - Volatility ahead
America's China Policy Is Not Working | Foreign Affairs

2/22 Recap

Another great session to log into the books as orderflow traders were equipped with an actionable plan. We started off early with a break above 4015 long which was able to hit T1 4033 for 18 handles. LIS was filled B/E before we sold lower into 3997 short for another T1 hit at 3980 for +17 handles. LIS was then moved to B/E and we got filled again but as soon as we took back 3997 short we saw a massive squeeze higher. Patiently waiting for another opportunity, 4013 was a level that previously was used and moved up to 4015, I made a quick decision I liked this 4013 for longs and let everyone in the telegram know along with all the other trade examples used in yesterdays session. Watching how I use risk management will be great insight in ways you can fine tune YOUR system to work for YOU! Back to the trade, 4013 broke above initiating longs with tight stops and conservative targets. As we came up to the close I saw 4022 HVN being an area of interest for sellers so I decided this would be an area to lock some in. A few minutes later I wanted to move my LIS higher above B/E as the session was coming to an end. I thin moved LIS to 4021, 8 handles above B/E which was filled not too long after but ultimately locked in 8 handles on rest of contracts with +9 on the first sell. Total upside in our trades today were +47 handles and 3/3. Note risk management is a key into how I will be able to come out of sessions more times than not on top even if trades fizzled out. Moving LIS up / down closer to B/E is a strategy I highly recommend everyone to try as it takes risk off and allows for clear mind while watching the market.

Yesterdays telegram examples:

Make sure to also read this as this is detrimental to understanding what I do, Volume Profile is the soul of my trading.

Flint Flow
Introduction to Volume Profile
What is Volume Profile? Most know volume as a tool tracking Volume by Time, but Volume Profile shows Volume by Price. Rather looking at when buyers/ sellers stepped into the market we can now see at what price these buyers/ sellers stepped in. Allowing to see at what prices institutions are participating marking what is and is not fair price, v…
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Nearly every stock is at the swing level that was provided in the substack last week, go check it out:

Flint Flow
Swing Levels
These are swing levels with no timeframe, all levels will be respected to however long it takes institutions to finish business. I was going to post charts on all of them but it would of made this post too long for emails. As always if you have any questions, feel free to ask away…
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