Become familiar with all the terms below as these will be brought up throughout all future content. Many will already have a robust understanding of everything but to move forward from a starter these are critical. Some terms will be based solely on Volume Profile and others will be based on the markets traded. As time goes on I will make induvial Substacks on these terms which will go over the significance they hold. Everything posted on Substack is based on factors used in my own trading.
Orderflow - Looking at the flow of Buy and Sell orders
Volume - Shares traded
Volume Profile - Profiles based on a inputted timeframe that consists of volume at price
Profile - A single area containing how much volume traded at all prices during that timeframe
Futures - An agreement traded on an organized exchange to buy or sell assets, especially commodities or shares, at a fixed price but to be delivered and paid for later
Options - A promise which meets the requirements for the formation of a contract and limits the promisor's power to revoke an offer
HVN - Area where significantly more volume was traded compared to the rest of the profile